Mind Up Coaching - Kimberly Dunn - Midland MI

You've Got Questions.
I've got answers.

In Case You Were Wondering...

What is a life coach?

A life coach is your accountability partner.  To help you clarify your goals, identify roadblocks and put plans into action.  A life coach is forward thinking and helps you tap into your own resources to solve problems as they arise. 

As your coach, my ultimate goal is to give you tools that you can use to effectively navigate any life situation. 

How often do we meet for sessions?

Sessions are typically scheduled biweekly.  This give you the opportunity to reflect on the insights gained during sessions as well as put plans into action between sessions.  

How is coaching different from counseling?

As your coach, I am focused on helping you identify your personal goals, create an action plan, identify roadblocks and help hold you accountable.  Counselors are an important tool when navigating a diagnosable mental health condition, recovering from trauma or abuse or dealing with addiction. 

When the need arises, I collaborate with counselors to provide a true wrap around support to help you achieve your goals.     

How long do sessions last?

Coaching is very client centered.  Some sessions may wrap up in 20 minutes while others last over an hour.  However long your session is, rest assured, that you have access to me as your coach daily in between sessions to help you navigate challenges and meet your goals.  

How are sessions performed?

All sessions take place via phone or video call.  It is important to me that you are comfortable with the format of your session.  Some clients get anxious with video and find it harder to be open and vulnerable, while others prefer the “face to face”.  Whatever your preference, I am happy to adapt to ensure your comfort.  

Are my sessions confidential?

All clients are required to sign a coaching contract prior to sessions.  Part of the contract is to ensure that clients understand that, unless required by law, coaching sessions are kept confidential.  It’s important as a client that you know your conversation is safe.  Holding a safe space for you is my #1 priority.  

Book A Personal Coaching Session Now

I am excited to work with you and get you on a path to living and loving your best life!