Mind Up Coaching - Kimberly Dunn - Midland MI

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler

Master Certified Relationship & Personal Life Coach

We can't help everyone but everyone can help someone.

Mindup Coach Kim Dunn provides positive outlooks on life

I believe in the power of connection through sharing our stories and shared experiences.  It is often that the greatest breakthroughs come with the knowing that we are not alone on our journeys and the comfort of others having walked the long road ahead and survived to share their stories.  And the survivors gain inner strength and peace and wisdom each time they use their stories to connect and inspire others. 

My groups are a safe place to learn to share the parts of you in a healthy, helpful and healing way, when you are ready.  Or to just show up for yourself in a new and brave way and seek connection as it finds you in sharing a safe space with others.  


Resetting your life a masterclass series with Kim Dunn


Co-Hosted by Coaches Kimberly Dunn & Dr Ashley Ghose. Learn to reset your life today!
STOP “SHOULD”ING ALL OVER YOURSELF Mindup Coaching teaches you positive self talk


Learn to say NO to the things that don't serve you & YES to what you WANT!
Mindup Coaching - boundaries need to be communicated first verbally and then with actions


Healthy boundaries define what is appropriate behavior in our relationships – behavior that keeps both parties safe. And setting healthy boundaries is crucial for self-care and positive relationships.
Mindup Coaching - learn how to alter mind sabotaging thoughts to mind serving thoughts


You've heard of IQ and likely EQ but in this class we will explore PQ. We will explore how our mind can be our greatest ally or our worst adversary and how to use harness the power of our thoughts to serve us in all aspects of life.

Book A Complimentary Life Coaching Session Now

I am eager to work with you and get you on a path to living and loving your best life!