Mind Up Coaching - Kimberly Dunn - Midland MI

"Putting Yourself FIRST is NOT SELFISH, it's Necessary."

Time for YOU.

What do you need help with today?



As a Master Certified Life Coach, I am excited to connect and share how working together can be transformational.


In this call we will explore how coaching can be a useful tool when navigating life. Finding the right support is often like shopping for shoes - fit matters. Not only will this call give you a chance to understand my process and how working together can transform your life but it also gives us a chance to connect and see if we are a fit for working together. It’s important that your life coach is someone that you feel comfortable sharing your story with and can trust to provide the right support and guidance.

3 MONTH PACKAGE ($250/month)

Feeling stressed, stuck in a rut, short on motivation, going through a life transition or not even sure where to start?!
Whatever is holding you back from living and loving your best life we will work together to get you to a place of not just surviving but THRIVING!


Bi-weekly coaching sessions with personalized support in-between sessions to support you on your journey.

6 MONTH PACKAGE ($230/month)

Tired of continually hitting the reset or not even sure how to hit the reset? In this 6 month package we will work together to help you clarify your goals, identify roadblocks and create plan to help you start living and loving your best life! In our time together you will gain an abundance of tools and resources that you can apply to any challenges that life puts in your path.


Bi-weekly coaching sessions with personalized support in between sessions to support you on your journey.

Book A Coaching Session Now

I am excited to work with you and get you on a path to living and loving your best life!