Mind Up Coaching - Kimberly Dunn - Midland MI

Nice to meet you.


About Me


Bringing nearly 25 years of extensive business expertise to the table, I am a seasoned life coach and adept business mentor. This distinctive amalgamation of roles equips me with the indispensable tools to lead you towards profound transformation across both your personal and professional realms.

I possess an acute understanding of the delicate equilibrium necessary to thrive concurrently in the domains of business and life, acknowledging the profound interplay between these spheres.

Our connection isn’t solely built on comfort but also on a firm assurance in my ability to guide you on this transformative journey. Holding a bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University’s internationally acclaimed College of Communications, I’ve laid a strong educational foundation.

Additionally, I’ve earned the title of a Master Certified Life Coach, accompanied by certifications in Applied Positive Psychology, Creating Wellbeing, and Positive Intelligence. This comprehensive skill set ensures I am well-equipped to support your aspirations and personal growth.


My journey was shaped by significant losses that ignited my passion for change. After my brother, Chad, fell victim to Bipolar suicide in 2013, I channeled this tragedy into purpose. This led me to become a fervent mental health advocate and a founding member of the Great Lakes Bay Regional Mental Health Partnership.

My mission is to combat stigma, enhance access to mental health resources, and ensure that no one suffers in silence like my brother. In 2019, I faced another significant loss—the end of a 20-year relationship, my family unit, and a business I dedicated two decades to building. This marked a new beginning, propelling me to become the resource I had sought throughout my life—a skilled listener and a trusted advisor.


At the core of my philosophy lies a dedicated commitment to facilitating your growth and transformation. By investing the necessary time to understand your aspirations, I engage collaboratively in identifying the barriers and counterproductive thought patterns that hinder your progress.

This discerning process serves as the cornerstone of our journey, as it enables us to chart a course toward realizing your fullest potential. Armed with this comprehensive evaluation, I step into the roles of your guide, motivator, and accountability partner.

Together, we navigate the path to unlocking your maximum capabilities, fostering sustainable progress that empowers you not only to thrive but also to endure amidst life’s adversities.

Moreover, I am fueled by a profound belief in my innate purpose – to leverage my personal experiences as a means of connecting, inspiring, and supporting others. My compassionate understanding extends to the uniqueness of each individual’s struggles. I stand firm in the belief that no struggle holds greater or lesser weight; they are all valid and significant. Recognizing that something might be holding you back from experiencing the fullness of a life well-lived, I am genuinely enthusiastic about being a part of your journey and transformation.

Together, we dismantle barriers and usher in a chapter of living and loving your best life, unencumbered by limitations.

Book A Discovery Call Now

I am looking forward to supporting you on your journey.  ~ Kim