Mind Up Coaching - Kimberly Dunn - Midland MI

Be Brave Enough To Start Over

Divorce & Relationship Coach Near Me


Learn about the emotional price of divorce and how to work through it with Kim Dunn at Mindup Coaching

The business of divorce can be messy.  From communicating with attorneys, accountants, counselors, family, friends, coworkers, kids…the list goes on.  Together we’ll assess where you are in your journey and where you want to go.  There IS such a thing as a “good” divorce but it takes time and intention to set the course and learn the THRIVE through the uncertainty.  

Divorce & Relationship Coach Near Me


Is divorce my best option?  How do we tell the kids? What do I say to friends and family? Where am I going to live? How am I going to make a living? Do I need an attorney and how do I even find one? What is co-parenting?

Regardless if you’ve been preparing for divorce for years and saw it coming or were completely blindsided, there is a lot to process. Exhale. You are not alone. Wherever you are in your divorce journey I will walk alongside you, helping you tap into your own resources to navigate this chapter of your life with grace and clarity.


I remember the horror of telling our sons (ages 10 & 3) about our divorce.  We prepped and planned as a unified front what we were going to say and how we were going to say it.  We had friends on standby ready to swoop in and provide support as necessary.  Despite all of our best intentions and preparation we were ill prepared for the emotional outburst of our oldest.  We literally witnessed every emotion from confusion to anger to sadness and rage overwhelm our oldest in a matter of seconds.  Our youngest rushed in to try to comfort his brother, not understanding what was happening.  As our hearts were shattered and we were sure we broke our children.  BUT it gets better.  Much better if you handle the aftermath in a healthy and helpful manner.  It’s not about what we say or how we say it, it’s what we DO that matters most.  

No matter what age your children are or the circumstances of your divorce, I will help you prepare for what is undoubtedly one of the most difficult conversations and the recovery that follows.  


Everyone is not entitled to your story.  And everyone is not out for your best interest – gossip sells for a reason.  It is important to be thoughtful and deliberate about controlling the narrative, especially if you have children.   Words matter and so do your actions.  Whatever your situation, we will work together to rise above the gossip, judgement, shame, criticism, “noise”…so that you can focus your energy where it is truly needed and going to best serve YOU.  


It’s okay to put yourself in timeout, just don’t stay there for too long.  Seriously though, remember that your kids are watching and listening to everything you say and do.  You are getting a divorce for a reason but you are tied to this individual for life by an invisible red thread – your kids. 

I am your sounding board to help you navigate all the words and emotions being hurled around to help protect your peace and your children’s despite your divorce.  Peaceful co-parenting is not only possible but should be the goal.  


Clueless about managing  your finances or running a budget?  Unsure what to do with your divorce settlement?  Bankrupt?  Somewhere in between?

I devoted 20 years of my career to building a business with my ex.  He got the business (income) and I got the house (debt).  BUT I knew I was a resourceful gal and would put it all back together and be whole again.  I am happy to share that despite starting all over midlife I am THRIVING once again and doing it all on my terms!!!!

YOU are far more brilliant and resourceful than you give yourself credit for.  I will walk alongside you to help you sort through your financial situation, identify your financial goals and set you on a path towards financial success. 


Learn about the emotional price of divorce and how to work through it with Kim Dunn at Mindup Coaching


Schedule a complimentary session to see how coaching can be a valuable tool in navigating your divorce.
Learn about the emotional price of divorce and how to work through it with Kim Dunn at Mindup Coaching


Package includes bi-weekly coaching calls with support in between sessions.
Learn about the emotional price of divorce and how to work through it with Kim Dunn at Mindup Coaching


Package includes bi-weekly coaching calls with support in between sessions.
Learn about the emotional price of divorce and how to work through it with Kim Dunn at Mindup Coaching


Package includes bi-weekly coaching calls with support in between sessions.

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It can and will get better.  I am excited to connect and get you on a path to living and loving your best life.